Have questions about buying, owning, or driving an electric car? Chat with an EV Owner! »

Sparky V.
2018 Chevy Bolt
Keene, NH
“My favorite aspect is the knowledge that as an early adopter I am changing the future by not placing my conveniences above the needs of the future. A close second is that its a helluva lot of fun to drive.”
What’s your #1 tip or piece of advice for new or prospective EV owners?
Do your research! It pains me to see new owners who don’t understand that the way you drive matters! Just because a car has a stated range of 300 miles doesn’t mean you can drive like a moron and go 300 miles. The flip side of this is that you 300 miles isn’t the top end either … a little smart driving and 400 miles is definitely doable.
Read on to learn about Sparky’s EV story – including buying, driving, owning, & charging his EV!
buying an ev
What main factors & considerations went into your decision to buy an EV?
The driving force for my decision was to stop contributing to climate change (we purchase our electricity from a wind farm).
What factors sold you on buying an EV? Why did you pick the specific make & model of EV that you did?
The range sold me on the EV. I had wanted to get one for a while but until the Bolt came out with its ~240 mile range it wasn’t feasible for our commutes.
driving & owning an ev
What is your favorite aspect of the EV driving experience?
My favorite aspect is the knowledge that as an early adopter I am changing the future by not placing my conveniences above the needs of the future. A close second is that its a helluva lot of fun to drive.
In a few sentences, summarize your favorite EV memory or anecdote.
I don’t know if I have one but one of the best parts of owning an EV is hearing “experts” on EVs say some of the dumbest stuff you’ve ever heard and then being able to correct them because they haven’t ever even driven one.
What surprised you about owning an EV?
The relative ease of long distance travel. Don’t get me wrong, it takes planning and a bit of patience but I love traveling in my Bolt. I no longer blitz by the world at 80 mph, stopping only long enough to pee and fill up. I take my time and enjoy every aspect of my trips.
What is the main downside or challenge of driving or owning an EV compared to an ICE vehicle? What tricks have you developed to adapt to that challenge?
The main challenge is obviously the forethought that must go into a trip. For now you can’t count on a charging station at every corner. It just takes a little planning and a sense of adventure.
Charging an EV
Where do you charge your EV? Do you have an at-home charger?
I mainly charge at home. Secondly, on road trips I scope out the level 3 fast chargers first and treat any overnight hotel chargers as an, ever more frequent, bonus.
What are a few of your favorite charging resources you use?
Perhaps the most frustrating part of EV ownership is the scattered-ness of charging apps. I think I have 10 different charging apps on my phone. Having said this my favorite network by far is ChargePoint. Other networks are a bit more convenient but ChargePoint is absolutely reliable.