by MSH | Jan 14, 2019 | Solar Energy
Check out Dori Drachman from Peterborough and MEH member discussing with the Peterborough select board the goals of Solarize Monadnock Peterborough Edition 2019. Solarize Monadnock will also include the towns of Hancock, Rindge, and Fitzwilliam!
by MSH | Jan 2, 2019 | Uncategorized
The Sentinel posted another great story about the 100% Renewable resolution before the Keene City Council and the local support it is attracting! Check it out here.
by MSH | Dec 19, 2018 | Carbon Fee & Dividend, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency, Solar Energy, Sustainability
Thank you Legislators for joining the discussion at the Citizen Climate Lobby and the Monadnock Energy Hub’s Legislative Forum on the Cost-Effective Clean Energy Solutions for the Monadnock Region on December 14, 2018. Materials from the forum: Agenda with Action...
by MSH | Dec 4, 2018 | Uncategorized
An important story in the Sentinel and John Kondos and Ann Shedd of the MEH Steering Committee added their expertise to the article. Learn more about the national climate report and what is happening on the local scene. Sentinel Article Link
by MSH | Oct 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
With representatives from Keene, Rindge, Jaffrey, Fitzwilliam, Chesterfield, and Nelson we had a great group of people concerned about the Monadnock Region and how to increase renewable use and decrease greenhouse gases! A local Keene resident and Director of Clean...