October Hub Quarterly Meeting

With representatives from Keene, Rindge, Jaffrey, Fitzwilliam, Chesterfield, and Nelson we had a great group of people concerned about the Monadnock Region and how to increase renewable use and decrease greenhouse gases!

A local Keene resident and Director of Clean Energy Finance at the Community Development Finance Authority, Scott Maslansky presented on how municipalities, nonprofits, and businesses can best access their funds. The final word for the evening was if a municipality is thinking of an energy saving or renewable project – make sure to contact Scott for advice on how to proceed! Make sure to access CDFA webpage!

The remainder of the meeting updated all on Hub events as well as where Local Energy Committees are right now. Making contacts is always a great way to cross pollinate and last night featured people speaking up and asking questions! Can’t wait for our next meeting and getting together with even more LECs!