Grants & Donors
Please note that previous to 2020, the Monadnock Sustainability Network (MSN) was the working name of the MSHub. MSN merged with its most active initiative the Monadnock Energy Hub to strengthen the overall missions of the network and the hub and grow stronger together.
New England Grassroots Environment Fund (NEGEF) Grants

NEGEF Provides Years of Funding
The New England Grassroots Funds is an important funder of MSHub, providing funding to start initiatives and support projects throughout the years.
2013 Grant Award
Monadnock Sustainability Network received a Grow grant in 2013 to create a network of small businesses in the Monadnock Region focused on energy reductions that can share best practices and work toward individual and collaborative solutions together. MSN will use the grant to support businesses in the program by providing a (below market) stipend to an energy auditor to conduct a walk-through to identify energy savings opportunities.
2015 Grant Award
In 2015, the Monadnock Sustainability Network received a grow grant to develop the legal structure for a community solar project as well as to create a community solar model that can be used by others throughout the region.
2016 Grant Award
In spring 2016, the Monadnock Sustainability Network received a Grow grant to allow the group to provide consulting services to local groups interested in pursuing community solar projects. The consulting services will be support the technical information provided in the community shared solar guidebook developed by the group.
2019 Grant Award
MSN again received a Grow Grant in spring 2019 to resource the Monadnock Energy Hub, a consortium of Local Energy Committees, which helps to support and expand local efforts to transition to a future of clean, renewable energy.
The project aims to help the group continue its work of providing community solar options and to develop a self sustaining model i.e. revolving loan fund, green bond, etc.
2020 Grant Award
The MSHub was awarded a Grow Grant to provide outreach to area landlords about the benefits of weatherization and energy efficiency upgrades. The project has included creation of a video depicting the deep energy retrofit of an old New England farmhouse, reconfigured as a multi-unit apartment building. Pandemic conditions delayed the final piece, which is expected to be a workshop and written guidance for landlords detailing available incentives for similar work and renewable energy projects in housing.
Donors Make Our Work Possible
Our Current Donors
Energy Fairs, Energy Forums & Roundtables, and Drive Electric Expos Happen Because of Local Sponsors
Savings Bank of Walpole
Aloha Keene
Monadnock Food Co-op
Monadnock Food Co-op has been a partner for years, working to strengthen the sustainability and resilience of the region. They have given financial support, in-kind donations, and collaborated with Monadnock Sustainability Hub on many projects. These include a rooftop solar array on their store, our Drive Electric Expos being part of their annual spring Earth Festival in Keene, and a regionally-important Electric Vehicle (EV) charger project.
In late 2023 the co-op parking lot became the site of the region’s first public fast chargers, and additional Level 2 (medium-fast) EV chargers, for residents and visitors to downtown Keene. The chargers are expected to become operable in early 2024, finally launching a many-years long project resulting from teamwork between the Co-op, the Hub, and solar company ReVision Energy, made possible by a VW-settlement funded grant from NH Department of Environmental Services and donations from local champions.
The Richards Group
The Richards Group is a full-service insurance and financial services firm based in Brattleboro. They provide comprehensive risk management, employee benefits and investment to clients throughout Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. The Richards Group is proud to support initiatives that are important to their clients and employees, such as Monadnock Sustainability Hub’s work to reduce carbon pollution and reach 100% renewable energy.
Green Energy Options
Filtrine is a fifth-generation, family-owned business located in Keene. Its products are designed to reduce energy consumption and the waste of valuable resources. Filtrine is a regional and national small business leader due to energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives, and support of the greater Keene community’s wellbeing.