
For Homeowners

Improve Home Energy Efficiency

NH Saves

Button Up Home Energy Efficiency Workshop

Buy Renewable Electricity

Green your energy supply

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Install Solar Power

  • Solar 101 – Answers about residential solar power installation in the Monadnock Region
  • Solarize Toolkit – learn how to put on a Solarize Event in Your Community with the full-service planning toolkit!

Consider Electric Vehicles

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For Businesses

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For Engaged Citizens

Campaign for 100% Clean Renewable Energy

Start a Local Energy Committee

Strategic Energy Action Toolkit

Save Money with Town LED Lighting

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Create a Town Solar Ordinance

Improve Town Building Energy Efficiency

The EPA’s Portfolio Manager can be an important tool for town managers and local energy committees to track energy usage change and to gather a baseline before starting energy saving additions/replacements. This online program is an advanced tool that tracks building energy usage from year to year and allows towns to compare energy usage with that of other towns. For initial information look at this 3-page getting started brochure from the EPA or check out their training page.

Learn About State Funding of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The 2017 Volkswagen Settlement provides New Hampshire with a trust fund of $30,914,841.09 to be spent over 7 years on projects to offset the excess pollution from the violating VW vehicles. The NH Beneficiary Environmental Mitigation Plan describes how those funds are to be allotted including toward energy efficient public vehicles and developing a state electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

State of NH Beneficiary Environmental Mitigation Plan

Get Involved with Climate Action Groups in the Monadnock Region

Monadnock Climate Action Directory


New Hampshire Energy Blogs
NH Energy
Clean Energy NH
In Depth NH – Power to the People Series
Revision Energy

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Organization of the Monadnock Sustainability Hub