Electrify Monadnock
Change the way your household uses energy! Save money, live healthier and more comfortably, reduce climate pollution.
Electrify Monadnock is a new program from the Monadnock Sustainability Hub, designed to help households in the region pivot toward more efficient and cleaner energy use. This change can be made through a process known as electrification. It involves a) substituting electrically powered machines and appliances for those typically run on carbon-based fuels b) replacing devices that already operate on electricity with “smarter” versions capable of even greater efficiency, and c) on a broader scale, converting the energy used for generating electricity to clean, renewable sources like wind and solar.
This important initiative will provide:
- Up-to-date information on electrification and sources of financial support for it at the national (Inflation Reduction Act) and state (NHSaves) levels
Review Info Now
MSH Info Sheets
IRA incentives home energy
Tax credits and rebates for home energy electrification and other efficiency upgrades
IRA incentives electric vehicles
Rebates, tax credits, and eligibility requirements for new and used EVs
NHSaves (public utility) incentives home energy efficiency
Rebates on home energy audits, weatherization, appliance upgrades and turn-ins
Rewiring America guide and tools for IRA incentives
RA guide to IRA
Organizational leader of electrification movement maps IRA funding for households
RA incentives calculator
Incentive amounts and terms for specific home energy improvements
RA personal electrification planner
Planning tool for basic steps in household electrification
NHSaves programs (website)
Home page
Recommend selecting the “Residential” button at top
Energy audits and weatherization
Info on two of the strongest NHSaves programs
- Guidance from electrification coaches, who have a range of knowledge and experience to guide you through the process, from information gathering to long-range planning, purchases and contracts.
Learn About Energy Coaching
Canary Media article
Journalistic account of training course taken by a substantial number of MSH electrification coaches
Homeowner consultation tools
Tools developed by Rewiring America for use by coaches and clients; see especially the Homeowner Questionnaire, 4th tab at bottom of spreadsheet
- An initiative promoting a key piece of electrification technology: the heat pump, together with related weatherization steps
Details to be announced
Learn About Heat Pumps Now
U.S. Dept of Energy heat pump systems
Basic principles of operation and types of heat pumps
Heat Smart Alliance (MA) intro to heat pumps
Introductory information with embedded video
VECAN (VT) webinar: heat pumps 101
More detailed video/slide presentation
U.S. Dept of Energy heat pump hot water heaters
Info on an important application of heat pump technology
Article on house prices after heat pump installation
Interesting topic but a dense presentation (bottom line: there is an increase after)
Learn About Weatherization Now
Description of home energy assessments, both professional and DIY; embedded videos
United Illuminating (CT) what is home energy audit?
Video presentation of audit procedures, and weatherization measures
How to make a home energy efficient
Video: air sealing, ventilation, insulation (tip: these before replacing windows and doors)
This Old House: insulation
Video comparing various types of insulation
Need answers to questions before getting with the program? Try these!
Why Electrify?

Deep Dive Into Electrification
Good general introduction, embedded video
Resources for the Future electrification 101
This is a “deep” dive; covers many aspects of the subject in detailed fashion
Environmental & Energy Institute beneficial electrification
A reminder that electrification is only “beneficial” when helping both consumer and climate
RMI 8 benefits of electrification
Focus on health benefits
nVent electrification of everything
Fast-paced video touching on “demand response” and other aspects of smart technology
Saul Griffith, Electrify
A book: available locally at Toadstool Bookstore
Not so fast. What about electricity prices in our area?

What Can Households Do?
A lot, together: decisions made around the kitchen table determine 42% of overall energy use in the U.S. Individually, a lot can be done, too. You can decide to get an energy audit and make sure your place is properly weatherized. Then it’s time to heed the call, “Electrify everything!” When their time is at hand, or even before, replace your old oil or gas furnace with a heat pump, and your gas guzzler with an EV. Take stock of your appliances; when they give out, look to smart alternatives:

How Can MSH Help?
Of course, all these recommendations are a lot for a kitchen table conversation, and likely for a family budget, to take on. Decisions are complicated and the investments to be made are not small. Fortunately, households don’t have to go it alone. The Sustainability Hub is one organization that can help. Here are some things you can do to take advantage of what Electrify Monadnock offers. Pick one, two, or all three!
- Access needed information, both on electrification and on funding opportunities available to help with costs, and chart your household’s course to a better energy future
Review Info Now
MSH Info Sheets
IRA incentives home energy
Tax credits and rebates for home energy electrification and other efficiency upgrades
IRA incentives electric vehicles
Rebates, tax credits, and eligibility requirements for new and used EVs
NHSaves (public utility) incentives home energy efficiency
Rebates on home energy audits, weatherization, appliance upgrades and turn-ins
Rewiring America guide and tools for IRA incentives
RA guide to IRA
Organizational leader of electrification movement maps IRA funding for households
RA incentives calculator
Incentive amounts and terms for specific home energy improvements
RA personal electrification planner
Planning tool for basic steps in household electrification
NHSaves programs (website)
Home page
Recommend selecting the “Residential” button at top
Energy audits and weatherization
Info on two of the strongest NHSaves programs
- Guidance from electrification coaches, who have a range of knowledge and experience to guide you through the process, from information gathering to long-range planning, purchases and contracts.
- Participate in the heat pump/weatherization initiative; make contact with qualified contractors; prepare now by arranging for a subsidized energy audit through NHSaves or the Inflation Reduction Act
Watch for further details on the campaign
Info on Weatherization and Home Energy Audits
Description of home energy assessments, both professional and DIY; embedded videos
United Illuminating (CT) what is home energy audit?
Video presentation of audit procedures, and weatherization measures
How to make a home energy efficient
Video: air sealing, ventilation, insulation (tip: these before replacing windows and doors)
This Old House: insulation
Video comparing various types of insulation
Info on Heat Pumps
U.S. Dept of Energy heat pump systems
Basic principles of operation and types of heat pumps
Heat Smart Alliance (MA) intro to heat pumps
Introductory information with embedded video
VECAN (VT) webinar: heat pumps 101
More detailed video/slide presentation
U.S. Dept of Energy heat pump hot water heaters
Info on an important application of heat pump technology
Article on house prices after heat pump installation
Interesting topic but a dense presentation (bottom line: there is an increase after)
How will the change in administration in Washington DC affect the IRA financial incentives and the Electrify Monadnock initiative?
The answer to the first part of this question is, no one knows at this point. Uncertainty does hover over this legislation and the financial support it promises to household electrification.
But market forces are also driving the transition to clean energy, and there are possibilities on the horizon for private sources to offset a reduction in government funding. As for Electrify Monadnock, the plan is to “keep calm and carry on.” Much can be accomplished through voluntary action at the local and regional level. The Sustainability Hub is committed to making that happen.

Heat pump installation (external compressor unit)