Education & Outreach
What more can we learn about living sustainably?
Community Outreach & Education
MSH believes that education and community outreach are the underpinnings of successful campaigns. Success begins when the community learns about a topic whether it be renewable energy, community power, or electric vehicle transition and the roles each play in successful climate action.
To help educate our regional community we hold presentations and workshops. Learn more about each of our initiatives below.
Answering the Call to Share Climate Solutions
We monitor information relevant to our communities and their interests to seek and implement projects that reduce carbon pollution. That includes being hooked into information about energy project funding, by networking with local and state-wide partners and staying up-to-date on federal resources accessible to municipalities and other tax-exempt groups, small business owners and homeowners and renters.
The New Hampshire Network is a state-wide coalition of individuals who are keen to protect New Hampshire’s air, water, and soil from pollution harms. Their Energy Working Group asked us to help explain funding sources available for clean energy projects. In partnership with the Clean Energy New Hampshire Energy Circuit Rider for Coos County, Melissa Elander, and Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s Special Assistant for Policy and Projects, Elizabeth McKenna, we presented a funding webinar on February 1, 2024. To view the 1 hour 19 minute recording, go to the NH Network website.
The MSH slides – with clickable links – are here. Melissa Elander’s slides and those from Elizabeth McKenna are accessible from the NH Network page linked above.
Monadnock Sustainability Roundtable
MSH hosts annual Roundtable events that feature sustainability initiatives and projects of local energy committees and municipalities, non profit and grass root organizations, and small businesses.
In November of 2021, MSH partnered with the Alliance for Youth Climate Leadership to host our second Monadnock Sustainability Roundtable. This virtual event featured five different sustainability projects: including Peterborough’s journey to 100% Renewable Energy and a local business’s efforts to make Keene’s food waste management more sustainable. Watch a recording of the Roundtable below:
Take Part in Our Roundtable! Seeking Stories and Partners for the 2024 Monadnock Sustainability Roundtable
Are you part of a Monadnock-based group or organization working on a local sustainability initiative, or would you like to help support our next roundtable? If so, we’d like to connect! Contact us to inquire about being part of the next Monadnock Sustainability Roundtable.
Our Past Projects & Collaborations

Leading the Clean Energy Track at Radically Rural
Radically Rural is an annual conference based out of Keene, NH centered on energizing rural communities to thrive. Learn more about this year’s Radically Rural Summit at
Ask MSH to Partner or Lead Presentations

MSH Presents on Various Topics To Educate Our Region
The Hub welcomes the opportunity to partner or lead presentations to groups such as incoming state representatives, local town selectmen, city councilmen, business associations and the general public.
Presentations MSH Has Led
We have participated or led regional presentations to further knowledge about:
- Community Power. Working with South West Region Planning Commission, the Hub can present to your town’s Select Board about the ins and outs of Community Power.
- Tax credits and up-front rebates for renters, homeowners and drivers to make energy upgrades as a result of recent legislation (especially the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022). (See also our Energy Efficiency and Weatherization page.)
- State legislation targeting renewable energy and climate action
- Ready for 100% Renewable Energy Campaigns
- Intern-related research to city or town selectmen and the general community
- Networking with like-minded groups to create connections
- Solarize Educational Campaign outreach kickoff, lunches and evening educational events
If you would like to learn more reach out to MSH.
MSH Holds Workshops to Educate our Region

MSH Holds Workshops on Various Topics to Educate our Region
Workshops allow for a deeper dive into issues than presentations and MSH is happy to dig into issues with others.
Want to Partner or have MSH lead a Workshop?
MSH has partnered or led events such as
- Legislative Session Climate Action Workshop for Monadnock Region state legislators in partnership with CCL.
- Energy Forums where towns come together to share their projects and tips for success.
- Regional and statewide workshops raising awareness about the Monadnock Region.
Contact Us today to help plan an event. We want to partner with you!
Internships at MSH

Internships at MSH work for Us and the Students
MSH collaborates with local colleges and universities to bring on undergraduates and graduate students in internships with varying length and project goals. The intent of all our internships is for the students to gain valuable experience and knowledge that they can directly apply to their future careers.
We Collaborate with Local Colleges and Universities
MSH has collaborated with Antioch University of New England, Franklin Pierce University, and Keene State College. To learn more about our internship possibilities Contact Us.