Our Mission
Donations Make Things Happen at MSH
We are committed to creating a brighter future for all.
The Monadnock Sustainability Hub stands in solidarity with those working toward social and environmental justice. As an organization working toward a better future, the Monadnock Sustainability Hub is unequivocal in its support of free and open democracy. We acknowledge and uphold the moral obligation we share to advance social and environmental justice in ways that remedy past injustices. In doing so, we recognize the inequality inherent in the history of our nation and vow to do our part as we transition to 100% clean energy in the region and toward a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for all.
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Weasels of the Monadnock Region – Jeff Littleton from Shoppers News
Weasels include a group of animals in the mustelid family. In New Hampshire, we have six species in this family;...
Fundraiser for Fast Electric Vehicle Charger in Keene hits Goal
Check out the campaign update from the Keene Sentinel Source on The Local Crowd Monadnock - Fast Charge Monadnock...
“To Change Everything – We Need Everyone” – Why we Must Include Racial Equity in our Work to Address the Climate Crisis by Mari Brunner
On the surface, it may seem like the climate crisis – the fact that we (the human species) are facing dire...
Fenton Family Dealership joins the Fast Charge Monadnock Crowd-funding
The Fenton Family Dealership donated $1,000 to the Fast Charge Monadnock Crowdfunding Campaign to install the first EV...
Fast Charger Station at future expanded Monadnock Food Co-op
Follow link to the story about Fast Charge Monadnock and the Monadnock Energy Hub's work to bring a EV fast charger to...
Crisis warning ignored or heeded? A livable world or…
Will we heed the warnings and possibly avoid a terrifying crisis? Or like the previous warnings for tobacco, opioids...