Bare Shelves? | Monadnock Shoppers News

Bare Shelves? | Monadnock Shoppers News

By Peter Wotowiec Originally Published in The Monadnock Shopper News, Green Monadnock column, Fall 2020.  I’d never seen anything like this. Sure, I know we rely on trucks arriving just in time to keep the grocery store shelves filled. Yes, I hear there is often no...
What the United States can learn from Pakistan

What the United States can learn from Pakistan

You read that right: Pakistan. On Sunday, July 12, Pakistan announced that it had met the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 13: To take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. 1 The United Nations (UN) has 17 goals for member countries to...

Essential New Decade’s (& Year’s) Resolutions

As we embark on a new decade it’s imperative that we resolve to take action or risk enormous costs for mankind and countless species. Whether we like it or not or “believe” the science, the reality of climate change is upon us. It affects everything and everyone...

The Big Crisis Update

The Climate Crisis is the greatest challenge facing mankind, it justifies regular updates: Carbon Dioxide level: 410 PPM (up 10 PPM since 2015 and dangerously above the average for millennium- 280 PPM) SCORE: Alarming- this increasing rate increases temperatures;...