by MSH | Apr 4, 2019 | Electric Vehicles, Transportation
Come out and celebrate the day with electric vehicles – take test drives, rides, and learn about electric vehicles. Let local NHers tell you about their great acceleration up local hills and the ease of maintenance. Get questions answered about these cars that...
by MSH | Apr 3, 2019 | Electric Vehicles, Transportation
Customers in the Eversource region in NH can take take advantage of a $2500-5000 rebate on the Nissan Leaf+ and Nissan Leaf. This partnership should help make an EV Leaf purchase within the budget of many Granite Staters. Combined with the $7500 federal tax credit...
by MSH | Mar 18, 2019 | Energy Efficiency
Check out the letter to the editor about the Keene Button Up Workshop at Keene Ice. Link to article here
by MSH | Mar 2, 2019 | Climate Change, Sustainability
Stewardship is the job of supervising or taking care of something on a regular basis, such as an organization, a household, or a property. Therefore, land stewardship imparts the notion of taking care of and being accountable for the plants, animals, and habitats on a...
by MSH | Feb 26, 2019 | Climate Change, Photovoltaics, Solar Energy
Just take a look at the Green Living article, Dori’s article about the book Drawdown and our fabulous advertisement about Solarize Mondanock – all on one page of the Ledger Transcript! What a page!