Discover sustainability events happening across the Monadnock region.
Monadnock Region town and city staff, committee, and board volunteers: The Hub and partner Clean Energy New Hampshire are planning an evening celebration where town officials, committee members and others active in municipal clean energy projects will come together to report on their projects, share information and inspire new collaborations. Topics include municipal solar, electrifying building heating, Cheshire Community Power, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Clean Energy NH’s Sam Evans-Brown will provide an update from Concord, John Kondos, our Energy Circuit Rider, will inform us how he can help identify funding, and our Program Manager will outline residential and business opportunities for energy savings from IRA programs. Food will be provided!
We are still waiting for a leader to register from these towns: Antrim; Bennington; Chesterfield; Greenfield; Greenville; Langdon; Marlow; Sharon; Sullivan; Surry; Walpole; Westmoreland; Winchester; Windsor. Please contact our Program Manager if you are active in energy matters in one of those communities, and would like to attend!