Community Supported Solar Project Receives Funding to Assist Monadnock Region Farms with Energy Expenses

Walpole, NH (January 31, 2019)The Cheshire County Conservation District (CCCD) is excited to announce the launch of a Community Supported Solar Initiative for Farms in the Monadnock Region! With support from the Thomas W. Haas Fund of the NH Charitable Foundation, this initiative aims to help lower energy costs for local farms in the region. This opportunity for local farms is being offered in partnership with the Monadnock Sustainability Network (MSN), an organization with a mission to encourage sustainable living practices and resource conservation in the Monadnock region.  

It should come as no surprise that farmers in New Hampshire face significant energy expenses to run their businesses. This project will help to stabilize and lower costs of electricity for participating farms through the Community Supported Solar framework and in turn, increase the viability of those farms.

Solar electric (PV) systems provide a secure electricity supply and reduced exposure to electricity price inflation. Solar energy systems are rapidly taking root worldwide and Community Supported Solar is an opportunity for solar to be installed on one site, that is best suited for it, while member farms commit their electric meter to group net metering and connection to the utility grid. A number of agricultural producers have expressed interest in solar, but many do not have the capital to invest in the infrastructure and/or a good location for the PV system. The Community Supported Solar model allows for community investment to offset the costs of the participating farms.  
Farmers are invited to find out how they can increase their energy independence and resilience, reduce their carbon footprint and boost the financial strength of our communities. The CCCD and MSN will host informational workshops in (3) different locations throughout the County so that interested farmers may learn more about participating in this project. Please join us for an information session from 12pm-2pm

Wednesday, March 6th at Stonewall Farm in Keene, NH

Thursday, March 7th at the Jaffrey Civic Center in Jaffrey, NH

Friday, March 8th at the CCCD office in Walpole, NH

Registration is required – Please register online at: For questions or assistance with registration, please contact the CCCD at 603-756-2988 x116

This is a free event and lunch will be provided.

About the Cheshire County Conservation District

SCC Moose Plate logo

The Cheshire County Conservation District promotes the conservation and responsible use of our natural and agricultural resources for the people of Cheshire County by providing technical, financial, and educational assistance.  Our goal is to encourage the stewardship of healthy soils, productive ecologically sound farms, diverse wildlife, productive sustainable forests, healthy watersheds, and clean water to ensure those resources are available for future generations. Established in 1945, the Conservation District operates out of Walpole NH where we work alongside the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and other conservation partners.  For more information, contact the Conservation District at 603-756-2988 ext.115/116.

About the Monadnock Sustainability Network

The Monadnock Sustainability Network is a group of community members who support sustainable living practices through education, outreach, and collective action. Our vision is to help make the Monadnock region a recognized model and imitated example for sustainable living including increased energy efficiency and reliance on renewable energy; greater self-sufficiency in food production; healthier citizens and conservation of our pristine natural and scenic resources.

Media Contact:

Lola Bobrowski

Outreach Coordinator

Cheshire County Conservation District

11 Industrial Park Dr. Walpole NH 03608

603-756-2988 ext. 115